where diversity is recognized
and individuals can fulfill their
full potential
Basic Sustainability Policy
The Group's purpose is to "open up individual potential through rewarding work." The Group aims to help build a sustainable world and achieve corporate growth by working closely with job seekers (the people we find work for), our corporate clients, and all stakeholders to promote solutions through our business for the issues human society faces.
The Group shares with stakeholders its "Open Up Purpose Index (OPI)",* a set of indicators of the degree to which the Group has achieved its purpose. The index uses five indicators to assess the degree to which we have achieved our purpose and provide a quantitative assessment of how extensive this achievement is. We believe that making progress on the "OPI" scores and expanding our business go hand-in-hand in driving the sustainable growth of corporate value.
*Open Up Purpose Index: A collective term for indicators of the progress toward the target number of employees in the medium-term management plan BY25, job placement opportunities, career advancement, retention rate, and engagement
Corporate Ethics
This Code of Conduct sets out and makes public to all people inside and outside our Group the corporate ethical standards of Open Up Group Inc. and its Group companies for society, human rights and the environment, to be followed by all executive officers and employees.
SDGs Initiatives
The purpose of Our Group is to create a society that allows each and
every person to reach their potential through fulfilling work.
We align our business activities with this purpose and contribute greatly to
Sustainable Development Goal 8, "Decent Work and Economic Growth".