The Group's greatest value creation asset is the working person. We believe that respecting human rights is the foundation for realizing the potential of each working individual in society. As a group providing HR-related services, we believe it is our responsibility to respect the human rights of all of our stakeholders, including our business partners, and to fulfill our social responsibilities.
We have disclosed our policy on human rights in Corporate Ethics for Society, Human Rights, and the Environment.
In addition, see Non-Financial Information for disclosure of information including information on human rights.
Training program and backup system
The Open Up Group is committed to enhancing its training programs as an opportunity for its employees to achieve personal growth and take on active roles. The Group focuses on improving interpersonal skills in new employee training, in addition to teaching the basics of specialized subjects, and backs this up with support to ensure smooth communication in the workplace. The Group also provides step-up training after employment to help its employees develop their career toward their future goals.
Machinery and Electronics Segment
Business description
Engineers engaging in mechanical, electrical, and electronic engineering and related domains play active roles, industries including automobiles, machinery, electronics, semiconductors, and IT/software.
Training program and backup system for engineers
The Career Center has been established as a specialized department to provide a wide range of support for engineers in the workforce. We lend a smartphone to all engineers as a point of contact with BNT, and an in-house intranet "Nextation" has been established to facilitate smooth communication.
In addition to the more than 880 courses in the training program, a of the program is the Career Brush-Up program, which is implemented every six months. This program is not just skills improvement training, but is used as an opportunity for engineers to reflect on their past and future goals twice a year by providing training in which they take stock of their career and skills and set goals, in addition to web-based training with original content produced in-house.

IT Segment
Business description
In the IT segment, which is emerging as a leading industry but experiencing a labor shortage, we have produced a large number of engineers who no experience, have acquired skills and becme active in the segment.
Training program and backup system for engineers
We provide an extensive training program that will help grow into IT engineers.After the entry-level training, the employees take "basic training" (about 1 month) and "" (about 2 months) in stages according to their skill level, and can obtain certification in IT training.
Currently, we are putting special emphasis on training engineers who can handle cloud computing "" and e-learning courses, among others, are available after employment, as.
In addition, we have established the Career Design System to support the next generation of engineers. We have a system of positions and promotions based on skills, and salary models are clearly defined according to the position, so that the engineers can check their career design and skill matrices, etc. on the company intranet at any time.

Construction Segment
Business description
A leading company in human resource outsourcing in the construction. While the shortage of is becoming more serious due to the aging of engineers, we specialize in training people with no experience, and many young engineers play an active role in this segment.
Training program and backup system for engineers
As a facility dedicated to training, the Yumeshin Training Center has been established with a simulated field site.
Upon the company, employees receive basic training (classroom and technical training) and learn about work attitudes and general business manners. Through these training programs, we develop inexperienced workers into capable of working in the construction segment. We are working on this initiative, believing that our emphasis on improving skills is the reason why Yumeshin.
In addition, the Assistant Construction Management Engineer has been recognized as a national qualification since April 2021, we encourage our employees to acquire the qualification. We are implementing training by rank, and we are also in the process of establishing an e-learning system. As a career step, some engineers transfer (change jobs) to client companies after obtaining the qualification.
backup system featuring a support team is also in place, and social gatherings for construction engineers are organized, in addition to periodic hearings and site visits.

Manufacturing Segment
Business description
the worker dispatch business in the manufacturing throughout Japan. We contribute to manufacturing at many job sites on the manufacturing bases of manufacturers rooted in each region, and provide job opportunities tailored to the lifestyles of job seekers, as well as the development of local communities.
Training program and backup system for engineers
Because of the wide range of work that is entrusted to each job site, training for technical (manufacturing) employees after entry-level training is mainly on-the-job training, and e-learning is being prepared as a unified training program the future.
As a back-up system, our strength is that our sales employees are the job sites. We have established a system in which all sales employees are given work experience at actual manufacturing sites after joining the company so that they can follow up with technical (manufacturing) employees.
As one of career development options, we have established the Career Challenge System that allows job changes between sales and business planning positions and technical (manufacturing) positions, and

Please refer to "Non-Financial Information/Open Up Purpose Index" for the of total hours spent on training, total number of participants in training, and number of transfers (job changes) to our client companies in the Group.
Recruitment of Foreign Nationals
We have established recruitment standards for foreign nationals in Japan, including limiting the hiring to new graduates who possess or can obtain a domestic work visa, and hiring from partners fully complying with the relevant laws and regulations. After employment, we ensure the type of visa matches the duties actually being performed by the employee, and we perform thorough checks on visa validity periods. In addition, in order to build a system for appropriate employment activities, we have a dedicated department for following up on foreign nationals and implement monitoring through compliance meetings. Our subsidiaries outside Japan also comply with local laws and regulations, and they ensure they do not participate in any way in child labor or forced labor. In addition, we organize Japanese lessons and provide support for life in Japan for our foreign employees working in Japan for the first time to ensure that they have a good working environment.

Hiring Persons with Disabilities
The Group promotes the employment of people with disabilities and strives to provide working environments adapted for persons with disabilities to support their autonomy and help to build an inclusive society, both of which are goals of Japan's Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities. The Group's main domestic operating companies employ people with disabilities at the percentages given below. The percentages exceed 2.3%, which is the rate mandated by the Revised Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities dated March 1, 2021.
Percentage of employees with disabilities
- Yumeshin Holdings Co., Ltd.:
2.6% (as of June 2021) - Yume Technology Co., Ltd.:
2.3% (as of June 2021) - Six companies including BeNEXT Technologies Inc.:
2.6% (as of May 2021)
Our special subsidiary company* BeNEXT With Inc. started as a business that can contribute to society by providing work that makes the most of the design skills and manual dexterity of our employees. Employee training upon arrival is tailored to each person's capabilities. The company's employees also receive support and guidance to improve their skills and abilities while on the job. Through these efforts, the company is improving the skills and abilities of its employees, while promoting and expanding its stationery business, which contributes to paper recycling, and artificial flower-making, which creates office greenery that does not need to be disposed of, thereby promoting environmentally friendly action and improving the job satisfaction of staff with disabilities.
*Special subsidiary company: Subsidiary company recognized under the Law Concerning Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities. The company must meet certain requirements such as the number of people with disabilities employed and the percentage of all employees.
Our special subsidiary company BeNEXT With Inc. is Monisu-certified. Monisu certification is a certification of small and medium-sized enterprises excelling in the employment of persons with disabilities.
Monisu certification system (Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare)

Occupational Safety and Health
The Group has established a system for managing and supervising occupational safety and health through monthly compliance meetings to share information and assess safety and health conditions. Partner companies are encouraged to improve their work environments when regular overtime or inadequate safety is found. If these are not improved, strict measures are taken, such as contract termination. In addition, we conduct safety and health education and training for our employees to improve the working environment and prevent occupational accidents. We also monitor and manage the rate of regular health checkups to reduce health risks through early detection and treatment of illnesses so that our employees can engage in their work in good physical and mental health.

The Group provides education on various types of harassment to all employees and has established an internal reporting system with a dedicated harassment consultation desk. In order to ensure that whistleblowers do not suffer any disadvantage, the system includes regulations regarding the protection of whistleblowers and mechanisms to ensure confidentiality, so that employees can consult about all harassment issues with peace of mind. In addition, the department with responsibility for labor relations keeps track of information on harassment at workplaces where staff are dispatched and works to resolve any problems promptly.

Privacy Protection
Due to the nature of our business as a provider of HR-related services that depends upon the recruitment and employment of human resources, we have a deep understanding of the importance of personal information and consider the protection of personal information to be an important social responsibility. In addition to complying with the laws and regulations on the protection of personal information in Japan and in the countries where we operate, our operating companies have established their own rules for the management and operation of personal information protection that are, in principle, equivalent to those of certified systems (such as the Privacy Mark system). This allows us to periodically check the management status, strengthen the operating system, and review the operating methods.